Saturday, December 14, 2013

looking forward

I would sit in my room and stare at the walls.
I imagined getting away,
what it would be like when I could finally leave.
And I thought about this time right now, and how far I would go.
I am who I wished to be, a little alone, a little depressed, but
that's just because the world is a hard place and life
likes to stab you from time to time. Beyond the normal
points of crises and despair, I am happy.
I like to think that boy sitting on his bed back in 
would be happy too.
If he only knew where he would go,
the women he would find,
the troubles he would see that made him
grow taller, the assholes and pricks,
the lovely and lovable. It all makes sense when you're
farther down the road.
I look back at the young me, looking forward into
the future and I say, "See, it isn't so bad, is it?"
And he shakes his head, gives a small smile and says,
"We finally got away, didn't we?"
I return his smile. "You better believe it, kid. 
Aren't you glad you didn't do it?"
he nods, puts down the razor and looks forward.
"He can't break me."
"No, kid, he'll never break you. You'll be damaged, 
but you'll make it through. Just hold on. Did I mention 
the women you'll meet?"
"You mean we get to ..."
"Oh yeah, so many times with so many beautiful girls.
It'll make you cry in your sleep. But there's a special 
woman down the road that you want to pay special 
attention to. She's had it hard, but she'll love the fuck 
out of you. Give it time."
A single tear and the boy is alive.

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