Wednesday, December 4, 2013


your religion is fine
I don't have a problem with it
believe or don't believe whatever you want
just don't kill people and say it's okay
because God told you to do it.
don't pretend that your belief is
the only belief,
or that your faith is stronger than someone
If you're an Atheist, that's great, just leave me out of it.
I don't care how much crap you've dug up on the bible to
disprove it.
If you're a Christian, that's cool too, I don't happen to
subscribe to your point of view.
there's no argument,
no ill will,
it's just as simple as that.
don't step on my shoes,
and I won't step on yours.
there's no need to pass legislation, 
making one religion more
powerful than another,
or one point of view more valid than another point of view.
there's no need to pitch a fit and ask for Christmas trees
to be removed from public areas
because it conflicts
with your disdain for anything
other than your own patterns of belief.
I don't even mind if you
knock on my door and ask me
if I would like to talk about Jesus,
but be prepared for me to reply
with a stiff, "no."
and please don't tell me I'm going to
Hell because
I don't want to listen to your take on God.
you don't know that and neither do I.
so it's really simple;
let people live their lives and 
be happy 
in whatever it is that 
they choose to do as long as it doesn't
hurt anyone in the process of doing 
whatever it is that 
makes them 

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