Wednesday, January 29, 2014

secret messages

the prize is
greater than the effort
when you call the hotline,
they will tell you your future
for $2.99 a minute.
if you don't call,
the future may never happen.
give until it hurts.
give a vengeful god
your hard earned dollars
and sense (cents) -
make the donations run
like blood,
tight from the vein.
allow the pain to begin,
let it remedy your
darkest sin.
cold christ like hands
taking away the
burning fires
of fear
across grief stricken lands.
the subtle swipe of
waiting for the sun to come up
when there is only darkness
nurture the children,
the starving,
the blind, the deaf, the turned away.
the tedious words mean nothing
as the giant slaps away the faith
in broken messages.
hallelujah, destroyer.
hallelujah, O' god jealous of other gods
because maybe they have the answers
that He fears.
for $2.99 a minute, you can
receive the message too.

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