Sunday, January 12, 2014

leap in with both feet

we are all faced with aggression
in our lives-
everyone has their own personal
bully who takes
it upon themselves
to make life miserable.
some of us are lucky enough
to have several bullies in our lifetime;
bosses, school kids, fathers, brothers,
             political officials,
cops, drunks,
                         ego driven maniacs.
we're told it is a part of life, that it builds character,
allows for empathy.

but I have never been able to sympathize with
someone who takes time out of their day
to brand another in pain.

it wasn't so long ago that I remember being
scared to walk home after school,
terrified that the monsters were
waiting for me behind the dark
corners that seem to be everywhere
when you're a kid.
and I remember taking different routes
to     ward     off     the     creeps.
but it was only a mater of time before
                                 they found you.
it was only a matter of time before you
would be discovered.

as I have grown up, not much has
            changed. there are still the
same bullies out there making life
hard for every future generation
that comes along. they have new
faces, but fear is all the same.

I never liked standing up for myself.
it always seemed to be such a waste
of time. if they would just leave me
alone, I wouldn't have to take the time
out of my day to deal with them. really,
isn't it their problem? I just looked a
certain way, or dressed different from them,
or read books. they were the fuckers with the
issue. Why should I have to be bothered with it?
life isn't so simple. the older I get, the more bullies
I encounter. but now they're patrons at the places
                             I shop,
                  people driving crazy
on my way home from
neighbors who refuse to turn their music down
because they assume everyone likes their particular
brand of bullshit.

one thing has changed over the years; I'm less inclined
to back down unless I'm severely outnumbered,
                  or someone has a gun.
beyond that, if they take the time
to make my life miserable,
                                              in turn,
                                       stand my ground,
and return the favor. it is the only way they will learn.

                      this is the way of life.
there will always be someone who doesn't like you for
whatever reason their simple heads come up with. it isn't
your fault. more often than not, you did nothing to
provoke it. you were just there. you were convenient.
but you have to do whatever it takes to be at peace.
and if that means the potential for getting your ass beat,
so be it. at least you stood up. at least you said no.
at least you tired to make a change. it is only when we
start fighting back
that they realize
we're not as weak as they thought
we were.

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