Tuesday, February 25, 2014

man eat man world

I saw one of those silly fights that
get posted to Youtube.
You know the ones:
one guy/girl is pissed at another guy/girl
for some strange thing or another
and one of them inevitably gets knocked out.

And I thought to myself, a monkey fighting another
monkey. This is why we can't move on as a society.
We always have something to become physical about.
I've realized that nothing will ever get better
until we can learn to use our words.
It's something that's taught in preschool,
but there are so many people who
just don't get it.

If you're not intellectual enough to win an argument,
then don't get in arguments until
you've become educated.
Read a fucking book.
Use Common Sense.
Evaluate the situation.

There's a very good chance we'll be
throwing shit at each other
for all eternity.
Life may never get better than this.
We may always have to look over our shoulder,
waiting for the next bully to
start a war,
or pick a fight,
or rob us,
or to threaten
our lives.

If it weren't for the Philosophers
and Physicists
and Saints,
and Teachers,
and well mannered,
even tempered People
in the world, I would have checked out
a long time ago.

Maybe someday we'll get it
and become more civilized than the
animals we've rationalized it is okay to eat.

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