Monday, March 24, 2014

new suckers

heroes pass through
upon occasion,
small piece of themselves
for the masses
to dine.

we use and abuse them,
test and try them.
our amusement never wanes
for such heroic fame.

when we're done with them,
we cast them aside
like spent toilet paper
to use up the next
poor sucker
that comes along.

there's never a shortage
of heroes.
one goes,
another comes
to take the reins,
ready to profess
their love for us
in the most profound

we use them up
and throw them away
so easily
until we get a shortage of
true heroes
and we begin looking around
for anything
that might
fit the bill.

we lower our standards
and take whatever comes
our way.

a hero used to stand for something.
heroes used to actually be HEROES,
but no more. now we'll take
anything with a fat
and a pulse.
hopefully, they'll have a sex tape
we can salivate over.
maybe they'll come from
a famous family
who thinks they're better than
the rest of us.

no matter.

we're just going to throw you away
when you're all used up.
we'll laugh at you
when you've had enough.
we'll cast you down the slick
shit covered floor
another sucker with
a shiny disposition
when you can't handle
the flack.

so sit back,
new hero
and enjoy the ride.
if you're lucky,
you'll die at the peak
of success
and we'll remember you for another
week or two
after you're gone.

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