Wednesday, March 19, 2014

ask until you have to ask some more

when i was young
i would look at the adults
around me
and think of how 
they all had it together.

they went about life
as if
there wasn't an end,
as if
they had it all figured out.

as i grew up
i kept hoping for the answers
that had
eluded me 
in my youth.

but as time passed
i never found 
anything concrete to
hold onto.

the same questions plagued me.

and i realized that
the adults i had
admired for
their courage
and resolution
were just as scared
as i was.
they hadn't found
the answers either.
they were wearing masks
to hide their fear.
some wore masks of religion.
others wore masks of drug abuse,
or alcoholism.

i learnt meditation
and began
reflecting on the questions
i had.
and ever so slowly,
i found answers that fit
my particular way
of life.

i found that truth
was only relative to the speaker.
each concept of truth is
only true because
it is 
the best possible answer 
at the time.
truth evolves
with the more questions
that are

it's as if the answers were
and changing
as they became exposed,
trying to hide behind
more questions.

even now, as i am writing this,
i wonder how true it will be tomorrow,
or the next day, 
or a year from now,
or when i'm dead and gone.

there will always be better 
as long as you 
don't run out of questions.

and as for those masks,
wear them with dignity
because it's shame
that takes the questions away. 

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