Sunday, November 24, 2013

Down the luck Swallow it whole

I struggle with being poor
to find new levels of
poverty to aspire to
great hidden treasures
that do not exist
tax refunds
too small to count
lottery winnings
that don't quite
pay off the losses
lines of credit
no one in their
right mind
would sign
when you're poor
you know what
poverty is
that it won't just
go away like the
flu you still have
to pay some doctor
to remedy
poverty is an art form
some people snap
and do disastrous
things because of it
while others bide
their time
and get a burger from
some fast food place
that is trying to kill them
poverty isn't a trend
no matter what they tell you
it's a way of life:
a guaranteed pension right into
the madhouse
and it stinks like
unwashed laundry
and plain wax candles
when the lights are off
but they make you think
it won't last forever
better jobs
better objectives
payments on maxed
out credit cards
and payday advances
don't mind the predators
they're only here to eat you
and me
and anyone else
down on their luck
they'll give you a
better credit score
so you can pretend
you're not an asshole
they call it bad luck
but it's more than that
it's a way of life
it's a profession

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