Sunday, February 15, 2015


You can postulate
about miracles,
or no miracles,
and it makes no difference
at all.
Whether you're Atheist,
it has nothing to do
with anything.
You can show
how convicted in Faith
you are,
and nothing comes of it.
You can show a limited
understanding of  Science
that points
to random events
accidentally coming
together to form life
and it still has no bearing
on fact or fiction.
it's all just what we know at the moment.
We are so young in our
so juvenile in our
understanding on how
the cosmos
that we can't
one way or another
at the existence
of some godlike
or some type of
random occurrence
that brought existence together.
The fact is
that there is a lot of Science
pointing in the direction
of some type of clockwork
keeping the universe in flow.
There are theories of alternate
Dimensions, concepts of space time
that blow away everything
that we have ever concluded
on the subjects of reality
and our place in that reality.
We are children
playing with fire
waiting for something to ignite.
But right now,
we are merely wondering.
So argue until you're
blue in the face
and you're still
the sound of
one hand clapping.
And now
I'm going to take a shit
because at least
it has some type of substance.


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