Wednesday, July 9, 2014


“When we fell from the good Lord’s grace, 
where do you think we fell to?”   
     Pinem’e said.

“Popular belief is that you went to Hell,” 
     Jake replied.

Pinem’e laughed and raised his eyebrow as if at the cusp of a question. 
“No," he said, "that is a special place, and it is reserved for you 
and your kind. 
Us, on the other hand, 
we inherited this.” 
He waved his hand about. 
“We inherited this lush, 
wonderful world, 
our own special Hell 
to damn you all before you die.”

      Jake replied.

“And that is exactly why mortals amuse me. 
The signs are everywhere, 
but you refuse to see them. 
We gave you greed 
and hate 
and misery 
and you use those vices so enthusiastically,
with such vigor. 
It truly makes me proud.”

“If this is Hell 
then why do I see such beauty in the world?” 
      Jake asked. 
“Why do people help each other, 
why is there good in this place 
if it is Hell?”

“Am I not beautiful?” 
      Pinem’e asked. 
“Have you ever seen a man as attractive, 
as well mannered, 
as true to form as myself?”

Jake looked him over. 
It was true, 
he could only compare him 
to the most exceptional people he had ever seen. 
Movie stars, 
they all fell horribly short 
of what this man 

“Your silence is all the answer I need.”

“Then why are we born into this?”

“You were never born,” 
      Pinem’e answered. 
“You died into this 
from the very start of you. 
From the first suckle 
at the tit of knowledge, 
you were all damned.  
You see, my boy, my kind … 
we’re everything you’re not. 
We are successful. 
We are timeless. 
We have been Kings and Noblemen 
ever before 
we became 
and bankers 
and actors 
and politicians. 
We control your greed, 
your government, 
your music, 
your art. 
We are everything your kind will never be. 
We make sure of it. 
If you were to get too close, 
an accident would happen. 
Perhaps you would be in a car, 
driving along with your wife in Texas 
and someone would shoot you 
from some secluded grassy knoll. 
You would be mourned for what you tried to do, 
but hopelessness would soon return 
and the world would forget what it was you even stood for.”

“God damn you!” 
      Jake shouted. 
He couldn't control himself, 
the words, 
the anger built with every syllable
that foamed 
from the devil’s mouth.

A subtle smile crossed the lips Pinem’e. 
“That is what I have been trying to explain to you all along. 
I’m glad we’re on the same page."

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