Saturday, June 20, 2015

pointing fingers

i laugh at them
when they refer
to a gay agenda.

i laugh when they tell me
the Republicans
are going to save the working class.

i laugh when they say
the Democrats are unbiased
and work exclusively
for the People.

i smile when they say
i'm part of the problem.

i fall over in laughter
when they talk about freedom.

but i puke
when they tell me about
what god wants.

i become sick
when they refer to race
as if it is something
outside of ourselves,
as if skin tone
a level of class.

i have been blue collar
my entire life.
i have never known privilege.
i have sweat with black,
white, and every shade of brown.
i have known gay, straight, bi,
and everyone in between.
and what i see
is people trying to make it through,
just trying to live
while a small percentage of People
( and i use that term loosely )
live a life of advantage,
as if existence were dictated
by dollars and cents,
as if their lives depended
upon the next scam
to drown the Working Class.

what i see is propaganda
to keep everyone
in their place,
to keep a thumb
on the forehead
of the drowning,
to maintain a level
of ignorance
so only the few
know prosperity
while the rest of us
work our lives away
to ensure their wealth.

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