Saturday, June 20, 2015

don't be normal

be careful
of your skin tone.
be careful
with who you love.
be mindful
of their words
for they believe in a god
that is not your own.
they believe in something
abstract and vengeful,
something wrought with anger
and fear.

mind your ways.
they will not tolerate you.
they will not tolerate what you are,
how you look,
who you love,
what you believe.

they will make up excuses
as to why they despise you.
they will pretend to be your friend
so they can demolish you
from the inside out.

you are against everything
they have decide to be the norm,
and in that there is fear.

there is no need
for anger.
anger only breeds more fear.
complacent laughter is all they deserve.
mockery is their destruction.
for when we laugh at ignorance,
it dissipates,
becomes less desirable,
and is slowly weeded out
from the norm.

changing minds begins
with a smile.

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