I practiced smiling yesterday.
my cheeks hurt.
I caught a case of dry mouth,
but my eyes watered for some
strange reason.
today I am going to put forth
more effort.
I want to be like everyone else
I see smiling for no reason.
Just hanging around at random
places with gleaming teeth
and burning cheeks.
maybe if I fake it I can
get in on some of those
positive vibes I hear so
much about.
I might try using a mirror
to see if my reflection best
encapsulates a general mood
of happiness.
I was at an amusement park on
Sunday and watched a tiny bird
make its way across
the railing of a planter.
it bounced expectantly as
I ate popcorn.
it looked at the bag
and then at me
and then at the bag again.
I broke off a small piece
and tossed it to the little bird.
its head bobbed up and down.
everyone else was speeding by.
and out of those hundreds of people,
I was the only one to notice the bird.
I kept throwing small pieces toward it
and it greedily ate them up.
then the exit line from the ride
I was standing near opened up and a flood
of people began to exit, and the little bird
flew off toward the trees.
"where were you?" my
wife asked.
"standing over there, eating
popcorn," I said with a smile.
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