Thursday, February 27, 2014


this idea that religious dysfunction
cleverly disguised as freedom
takes precedence over
basic human courtesy
is rather eye opening.

at what point did religion
become intolerant
hate mongering?

at what point in the bible did Christ
say it was all right to
turn away from your
brothers and sisters
because of who they are?

whoever it is that's trying
to pass these odd laws
to slingshot us back to the
last century might have their
Christian ideals mixed up a bit.

whatever happened to the Jesus
that warned about casting the first stone?

whatever happened to the Jesus
that spoke about loving thy neighbor?

whatever happened to the Jesus
that washed the feet of those who were
cast away by society?

the Jesus I read about doesn't
seem anything like
what is coming out of the
political religious movement
in recent years.

it makes me remember a story
I heard
about a wolf
dressed up as a sheep,
or was it something about
leading a lamb
to the slaughter.

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