Tuesday, December 17, 2013

don't worry . . .

we exist in nine deminsions of
plus one of
and I know this
isn't going to get me through
the day
so I'll finish it before I head
and grab another that I'm
ready for.
none of this is real,
and I knew that a while back
when I was meditating and
found myself nowhere.
at the corner of Nothing
and Nowhere to be exact.
we exist in nine deminsions
of space
and one of
so it only goes to show that
most opinions
are slow on the uptake.
I light another cigarette,
take another sip of coffee
and look around,
hoping I'm here.
if I'm not here, I hope
I'm somewhere nice.
maybe at the intersection
of Somewhere and Future,
looking forward to a better tomorrow
that isn't as illusory as today.
this is the position of
my Event Horizon. I'm almost
certain that I exist right now without
existing at all.
another sip of coffee, a puff or two
and I'm back in, ...
or out, depending on how you look
at it.
dual nature of the universe
and I'm in a hole,
falling up.
an eight dimensional sphere.
harmonic oscillators.
quantum particles.
I'm pretty sure
none of this is real.

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