Saturday, January 2, 2016

take a sip, it won't kill you.

i use the term,
'don't drink the kool aid'
so often that i'm thinking
of having it tattooed on the
palm of my hand for
easier access.
it is in reference to
the people of Jamestown
who drank poisoned kool aid
at the request of Jim Jones.
i use the phrase for its underlying
every time someone comes
at me with some
bullshit conspiracy theory,
religious propaganda,
or political affiliation,
i pull out my trusty,
'don't drink the kool aid'
speech, and it generally
ends the conversation.
really what i am saying is,
'don't fall for the bullshit.'
we are fed nonsense every
single day of our lives.
someone wants to
sell us something,
change our current affiliations,
or get us to
jump on some
three wheeled
band wagon
as if it were the next big cause
that will change the world
for the better.
to quote George Harrison,
"Nothing's going to change my world."
greed and power have always been
the highlight of the human condition.
the only way to combat greed and power
is to take away the want.
but want has to do with ego,
and ego is the framework
of the mind,
and the mind is a tricky son of a bitch.
the only way to make the world
a better place to live
is by putting
the best interest of the people first.
to initiate that,
we have to make a few rules.
quality of life comes first.
that would include health,
both body and mind.
second, we would have to do away
with ridiculous reward for
being in power.
third, we have to end racism,
sexism, and prejudice in general.
fourth, we have to end
the want of accumulation of wealth.
everything that is done
has to be done
for the good of the world,
for the good of society,
for the good of the people.
so bye - bye, Capitalism.
wealthy people that do good
for the sake of humanity
are few and far between.
it takes a special billionaire
to set appropriate philanthropy
into motion. that means
doing good for everyone
without personal gain.
personal gain is anything that benefits
the billionaire over the
common good of everyone else.
and like Harrison said,
"Nothing's going to change my world."
because let's face it,
humanity loves greed and power
a hell of a lot more
than it loves humanity.
so keep buying into the bullshit,
and we can keep spinning our wheels
in the mud. nothing will ever get done,
and only the previously prosperous
will prosper. the rest of us
can have
all the kool aid we want.

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