Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bring Us Your Tired

we are given a few
meager choices
when election time
rolls around.
on one side there is
more of the same.
on the other side
there is
more of the same.
empty promises
and false hope.
big ideas that turn
on us at the last moment
and break us a little bit more.
career executioners
ready the ax
for their buddies
in the financial gains department
to make a few bucks
from the blood
of the broken.
everyone has the answers,
but i am speechless.
i have nothing to give you.
the system is too big,
and they will only allow you
to elect one of the two
who they want to win.
no one else has enough money
to run. and there's really
no one who stands on the
issues that confront us all.
so i don't have an answer for you.
all i can do is sit back
and watch the tyranny unfold
while muttering,
"WHAT THE FUCK?" to myself
until the final hours
are at hand
we get a new
'same old thing'
to bitch about in the future.
if we protest by
not voting,
we get the same goddamn thing.
if we protest by voting
for the little guy or gal with the
far out opinions,
we get the same goddamn thing.
if we vote for the one party /
two party system,
we get the same goddamn thing.
we get divide and conquer all over again.
we get to save our pennies
for the pump.
we get to hear how
they need more out
of our dwindling paychecks
to pay for road construction.
we get another nail
in an already sealed coffin.
but there will come a point
where we have to take
a step back and say,
"the system is broken,
but it is not as broken
as We The People."

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