Friday, January 30, 2015

a pin from the pincushion

they'll tell you
not to give it
they'll say
that it loses
when it's given
they'll abhor you
for handing
it out,
for creating doubt
of all that

but it is in
our nature
to give,
to show compassion,
to instill mercy
with our words.
we have the
deepest need
to set it free,
to give it away,
to let it seed
so all that may
encounter it
can take it
with them when
they leave.

our needs are
so small
that handing
it away
is nothing at all.
it takes so little
of us
to show trust
and place
it in the hand
of another.

to help a sister
or a brother
with what they need,
to feed
the hungry
and clothe the cold.
to heal the sick
and comfort the old.
to bring a little
to break up the night
and encourage the dawn.
to give it away
before it's all gone.

and sometimes
you'll find
that what you've
costs you nothing
at all.
that what you gave
was so small.
maybe it was just
a little love
that we found
inside us all.

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