Monday, May 26, 2014

blissful ignorance

never underestimate the power
of not giving a fuck.
if you're literate on every
goddamn cause on the planet,
you're probably not living
to your full potential.

everyone has a cause,
a point of interest
that compels them,
and makes their panties wet.

just another day in the sunshine.

our most intimate experiences
could be splayed out in
front of us and we would
find a new cause
to engorge our egos.

there's so much to be
proactive about in life
that we lose sight
of life, itself.

be political.
be spiritual.
be charitable.
be righteous.
be necessary.
become trapped
by all of the illusions.
live every moment with an air of need and want and purpose.
initiate change.
be sympathetic.

it all ends in stagnant nothingness,
just as it was before we arrived.
and what you leave behind
is another set of illusions for others
to try to follow.

don't try.

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