Thursday, April 30, 2015

WARNING!! Fucked up reasoning ahead. Tell your children to leave the room.

being humans,
we can all be shitty
from time to time.
it's a part of
the ebb and flow.
  i know i
     have done some shitty
things on occasion.
it doesn't mean
that you are a shitty person,
it just means that you're
human, and have made mistakes.
the trick is to learn,
become more understanding,
and get over yourself.
it is a hard lesson to find out
that you are, in fact, not the center
of the universe.
but it happens
at the right time
for most of us.
but when i see people
being run over the coals
for being an asshole,
my first thought is,
"How, exactly, is calling them
out for being a dick
going to make them any
less of a dick?"
in general, we are
victims of circumstance.
all of the shitty shit
we fall in
covers us after a while,
and we come to the
that life must just be
that shitty,
so we better start shitting
on others, post haste,
to level out the playing field a bit.
so maybe letting go of
some baggage
would be advantageous
at this point.
because, the more you shit
upon people,
the more they shit upon you.
and the next thing you know,
the entire world is covered in shit.
suddenly, there are predatory lenders,
wars being waged to garnish profit,
and religious institutions
patting down the poor
for handouts.
it would be absolute chaos.
as hard as it may be
to let shit go,
someone has to do it
at some point,
or we're going to wind up
eating out of a toilet.

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