god wouldn't ask
for money
because god
is only as real
as the reflection
staring back
at you
from the mirror.
so let's not
get our shit stacked
in the wrong order.
if you want to
make a difference,
take positive action.
it's up to you.
every good thing
you've seen happen
in the world
is because someone
much like you
decided to do
the right thing.
every bad thing you
ever seen happen
in the world
is because someone
like you
decided to do
something bad.
let's put blame
where it belongs
and stop using nature
as a scapegoat
to vindicate
our actions.
god doesn't need money
because god isn't saving up
for that big electric bill,
or to pay the DMV fees on
his or her new car.
god isn't looking through
his or her bank statement
and thinking, "gee, i better
ask for a little more this month
so i can have some
groceries in the fridge."
god is something
that happens
when you decide not
to flip off the guy
in the next lane
for cutting you off
on the freeway.
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