Sunday, January 11, 2015

so the days sing past

you could wither away
from staring at it too long.
it could gulp you up like a
big fish inhaling chum.
it could get you when you
least expect.
it could bend you over
and have its way with you
and you might never know
it happened.

it sleeps in gutters,
uses a knife as a toothpick,
bites off more than it can chew,
but swallows it anyway.

it hides in plain sight,
right in front of your eyes,
but you'd never know it for sure.

it wants your money and your
it wants to snuggle you into
a fever.
it is bold and unjustified,
but it loves how you hate to scream.

and the next thing you know,
you'll be setting there,
minding your own business
and it'll take a chunk out of your neck
and spit it out in a blood laced thud
that'll make even the most bloodthirsty god

it will get you like it has gotten everyone
else. you'll look in the mirror, and that's it,
the good old days have finally passed you by.

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