Sunday, October 5, 2014

Write a poem about what we tell you to write a poem about, or face rejection.

With all the
different places
to publish
your art
it is funny that they
still get
so caught up
on themselves
to require
that your work
into guidelines
they invent
off the cuff.

Give us your
best poem
about tomatoes.
We are a Christian
so no crude language,
If your poem
is accepted
you will be required
to promote
our ezine
on your website,
social network
so we don't
have to do
the work

I don't know about you,
but when I read poetry,
I'm looking for grit,
for the blood
and sweat
of the piece,
for the artist
to remain
an artist
and create
the art
they so desire.

It would be nice
if everything
into a nice
little box,
wrapped up
in pretty paper,
and tied with a bow.
But the harsh reality is
that art takes place
when it takes place,
under the particular idea
which it was created,
for the nurturing
of the poets soul.

It's no wonder
these silly publications
don't actually
sell anything.
Who the fuck
wants to read
an entire
book of poetry
dedicated to
pigeon sex,
or enemas,
or flicking piss
into the wind,
or ripe tomatoes
thrown in anger
at a shitty publication?

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