Saturday, October 25, 2014

the softest scream

i don't need marketing
i don't need to be told what to buy
i can't afford what they're selling
i'm fine paying for my car and living in a dive
with the worst plumbing and for something to strive

what i need is a new way to sell my ass to the system
i need a new type of lube
so it doesn't hurt so
give me a fucking pill and let me wash it down with a frosty glass of bleach
and make me learn by a trial of fire always a few inches  OUT OF REACH
with a brand new commercial targeted to my particular demographic
WHERE teachers are taught to TEACH
in a curriculum pornographic

waste me not
land of the free
make me pay
learn me to

pay away the demons
and grab another bag
of product they're pawning
you think you do
but you don't know
what's it's like
to waste away in
the commercial they're filming
shaken and stirred
give me a dream worth dreaming

waste me not
land of the free
make me pay
learn me to

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