Wednesday, January 1, 2014

another year dawns

the next isn't always better than the last.
the last, now that's where it's at -
the full expectation,
the growing old,
the root canals,
the fever.

the last fuck
the last job
the last hour -
it is like it never
gets that good  

we make what we have and we have
what we make and we are somehow
responsible for ourselves without actually
being in control.

out with the old ways, making room for
the new, giving up on the bullshit that
didn't make a difference. giving in when
giving up would have been just as good.

accomplishing something this year, now
that is what it is all about -
making a difference, seeing things in a
different way - being different, allowing
for our differences. differentiation from
the norm.

going forward,
moving forward,
striking out,
inciting change.
giving a
little more
even if it

loving and
being loved.
accepting and
being accepted.
growing into yourself,
growing out of yourself.

I think we are up for the
challenge. I think we can
take it to task. I think we
should try. I think we can.

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