there's this thing
called oil.
it is becoming so scarce
that we are using
more expensive ways
to extract it from
the Earth.
it is not only used
to fuel
the vast majority
of our vehicles,
but also to provide
energy to nearly
every region of our planet.
plastics, pharmaceuticals,
hygiene products, clothing,
industrial additives...
the list goes on and on.
we create wars to
secure more of this precious
elixir because
we are becoming desperate.
we destabilize the Earth's
surface to extract much less of
this resource just to keep
it flowing.
it is not because we don't
have other means to utilize.
it is because it's cheap,
and reaps the most profit
in the least amount of time.
no one that you know is getting
rich off of oil. oil profits are reserved
for the wealthiest people.
these are the people that are
in charge. they pull
the strings. and
they will make all of us
go away because of their greed.
because oil also destroys
the climate of our
increasingly fragile planet.
no more farms. no more lumber.
no more oceans, streams, or rivers.
no more middle class. no more
poor. and eventually, no more rich.
we're all losing ground to
a dying resource
held captive
by the insanity of greed.
because the reality is that
greed is a sickness
and should be treated as such.
because only the sick
would destroy their only
home in exchange
for a temporary high.
greed is an addiction.
and like all addictions,
if it goes unchecked,
it will only lead to
more excuses to maintain
that addiction.
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