Saturday, August 22, 2015

for what ails you

freedom is
walking away from your
cell phone, walking away
from technology,
but remembering where you left it
in case you need to make a call.

being awake
isn't about waking up
as much as it is about
'waking in',
realizing that the sleep you have
over the years is nothing more
than a self induced

we lie to ourselves about
about being safe from
the fears that haunt us
from youth.
the lessons we learn
as we grow
are nothing more than
constructed by the subconscious mind
to keep us safe from the very safety
we crave.

new walls are built as we grow,
dividing lines
that tell us
to buy one product over another,
to vote for one evil
over another,
to condition ourselves
in order to maintain a level
of imagined security
so we don't fall off the cliff
of life into some unknown
where we may lose ourselves.

it's hard to forget
where you have been,
but it's easy to lose sight of
who you are.

being natural isn't as
concerned with the new diet craze
as much as it is concerned
with the nature of being natural.
it's a type of placebo we embrace,
not unlike the placebo we ingest
that beckons us to
make new friends,
to be a part of the hip crowd,
to consume the newest gadgets
to make our lives
more resilient,
and sustainable.

the truth is
that nothing happens outside of
it all begins from within.
embracing yourself
is the same as treating the disease.
society is a sickness,
and awareness is the cure.

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