Friday, July 3, 2015

rule of thumb

there is a clear sense
of right and wrong.
some choose to ignore it,
but it is there.
it is the difference
between hurting and not hurting.
it is the mask we wear
when we choose
to keep ourselves guarded,
closing walls around us
to keep the monsters at bay.
but when we construct those obstacles,
we're merely caging the monster
that is us.

some see evil as
murder or rape,
molestation or deviation.
but it goes deeper than that.
it can also be called
'just doing business'
'little white lies'
'minding your own business'
'turning the other cheek'
'doing what you're told'
'not stirring the pot'
'blind faith' -

there comes a time
when it is necessary
to outgrow
your cage.

it begins with a question.
Who am I?

the only faith
you should ever need
is in yourself.
with that
everything else
falls into place,
expectations drain,
judgment abides,
trust is warranted.

it is in ourselves
that we begin to teach,
taking small steps,
and allowing
for change.

progress begins
with us,
inside of ourselves
before we can begin
to see progress
anywhere else.

be your own teacher.

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