Thursday, June 11, 2015

can you spare some change?

not bad
if you're
living on
the top.

you're in control.
you're powerful.
you buy and sell humanity
like a cheap date.
it's all up to you
and there's no one to
tell you any different.

the Mercedes gets a flat,
you get someone to fix it.
your property taxes
are due,
you write that shit off.

what you have is yours
and you don't have to share
a goddamn thing.
there's nothing to get in your way.

so what do you do
when you have everything
you could ever want?
     you take more.

once you're powerful enough
there comes a time when you no longer
need to purchase what you want.
you simply take it.
you take it at whatever expense
to others that may occur.
if the infrastructure declines,
if the school systems dive,
if the health and safety
of those enslaved to you
it is of no matter.
you're making more.
you're becoming more powerful.
you can play god with whatever you want.

but when only a few
have everything,
and the many have nothing,
we must ask what disease
fuels the system?

what fuels the system
is a lie.
it's told to every child
and it is spoken in ignorance.
it says that you too
can become wealthy
and live the high life.
you too can own slaves for profit
by promising them the stars,
but never delivering
anything other
than the golden lie.
it will be told over
and over
until somebody finally
tells the truth:
there's is only so much money
to go around,
and if you're not born into it,
you're born to serve it.

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