Monday, June 29, 2015

turn away - tune out

in the form of
is still

when common
decency is
it violates
basic intelligence.

and even if
none of us
can ignore ignorance,
we can ignore

Sunday, June 28, 2015

some lessons are learned standing up

if we look further
past the small
that occupy
the tender parts
of our mind,
the tiny thoughts
that restrict,
we find
common ground.

we see that we are all
in the same boat,
floating off
through the void
of consciousness.

we find that holding others
back, keeping them
from their path
is nothing more
than trying to fulfill
the restrictions
we have put upon

but it is our individual
that guide us
in our learning.

to hinder someone
for their path
takes away
our own progress.

it's a losing battle
that detours us all
from our destinations.

as long as no one
gets hurt on the trail
that life has set
before them,
then what reason
would there be
to distract them
from their course?

we all endure
the emotions
thrown our way.

we suffer
at our own hands.
we suffer
at the hands of others.
we feel joy.
we smile.
we frown.
but at the end
we can only
live life
the way we intend
without getting
too caught up
in the turmoil
others place
in our way.

be as good
of a person
as you can,
and keep
the obstacles
to yourself.

it is in this thought
that we teach ourselves
truth and triumph.

it is in this idea
that we live
learning like
there is no other moment
than right now.

we must teach others
the lessons of
and kindness.
we must school them
in the ways of
the greatest lesson of all
is learned through
embracing curiosity.

the greatest life lived
is the life of your own,
not living through others
and hoping to copy,
or distract them
their way.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


when the answer is
Civil Rights,
the question is never wrong.

when we're discussing Liberty,
the outcome must always
lean in favor
Of the People.

we are human beings,
working to get through,
living our lives
as best as we can,
hoping for a little happiness
along the way.
it is our right not
to have to
lay dormant
while others
gain enough insight
to realize
we all deserve our freedoms.

Liberty is for all people
no matter their denomination,
their class,
their creed,
their sexuality.

if Liberty is the question
the answer is always Yes.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


the Orthodox is

it was formed
to control
the masses.

it is as useful
as racist

as tarnished
as an STD.

Old ways
and Old myths
do not bind us
in any other way
than the way
of the mind
as a concoction
of imagination
to build hope
to remain
a simple cog
in the machine
that enslaves us.

their empowerment
is through a
redundant faith
in the mythological
land based mammal
that walked on water,
and nothing more.

their empowerment
is through
fake Prophets
preaching hate
in their image.

the power
they hold
is only in our minds.

if we think it enough,
we believe it to be true.
but when we ignore
the misleading lies
of incorrigible gods,
the world suddenly becomes
a beautiful place.

Monday, June 22, 2015

reign victorious

you're never
just good enough.
you're only perfect
being the first voice
to speak up,
the only person
to be against the
status quo,
the single scream
in the night
before the bombs drop.

you're only as good
as you think you are.
you're only as beneficial
as the last time
you shouted

we're a healthy species
and our time is now.
there is no tomorrow
if murder is the only
by which we can accomplish

Saturday, June 20, 2015

pointing fingers

i laugh at them
when they refer
to a gay agenda.

i laugh when they tell me
the Republicans
are going to save the working class.

i laugh when they say
the Democrats are unbiased
and work exclusively
for the People.

i smile when they say
i'm part of the problem.

i fall over in laughter
when they talk about freedom.

but i puke
when they tell me about
what god wants.

i become sick
when they refer to race
as if it is something
outside of ourselves,
as if skin tone
a level of class.

i have been blue collar
my entire life.
i have never known privilege.
i have sweat with black,
white, and every shade of brown.
i have known gay, straight, bi,
and everyone in between.
and what i see
is people trying to make it through,
just trying to live
while a small percentage of People
( and i use that term loosely )
live a life of advantage,
as if existence were dictated
by dollars and cents,
as if their lives depended
upon the next scam
to drown the Working Class.

what i see is propaganda
to keep everyone
in their place,
to keep a thumb
on the forehead
of the drowning,
to maintain a level
of ignorance
so only the few
know prosperity
while the rest of us
work our lives away
to ensure their wealth.

don't be normal

be careful
of your skin tone.
be careful
with who you love.
be mindful
of their words
for they believe in a god
that is not your own.
they believe in something
abstract and vengeful,
something wrought with anger
and fear.

mind your ways.
they will not tolerate you.
they will not tolerate what you are,
how you look,
who you love,
what you believe.

they will make up excuses
as to why they despise you.
they will pretend to be your friend
so they can demolish you
from the inside out.

you are against everything
they have decide to be the norm,
and in that there is fear.

there is no need
for anger.
anger only breeds more fear.
complacent laughter is all they deserve.
mockery is their destruction.
for when we laugh at ignorance,
it dissipates,
becomes less desirable,
and is slowly weeded out
from the norm.

changing minds begins
with a smile.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

madness = madness

so it's not bad enough
that nine people were killed
in cold blood,
but now the media
has taken it upon itself
to sensationalize the killer,
to show that when atrocities
are committed
by lunatics
they will get to be
on television.

their horrors
will be fed to the public
to encourage anger.

their vile disregard
for human life
will be dissected,
and regurgitated.

they will have
their fame and recognition.

fingers will be pointed
at everything
except the obvious.

how long will it be
before we take
a long hard look
at mental illness?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

when it finds the time and brings about the moment when the lines are drawn clearly in the sand, i'll hold your hand one last time and bring the beginning of something new

how the moon
knocks away
the day
so your eyes
reason the
of a part of me
left unexposed
for so long
in the trials of
modern malignancy
that time stood
in the traps
of my soul.

so slow
the movement
of years
gone tripping by
in a flash
and every memory
of you
is a memory of me
but the situation
and there was nothing
more to say.

if it had been different,
would the plague
of years lessened
the misery?

a hundred thousand
feet apart...
meter by meter,
yard by yard,
and still thinking
of one another
in a way that brings
us together
as if we were
in the same room,
sipping cocktails
and wondering
what happened to
the future.

maybe i turned around.
maybe we said
what we meant.
maybe the end
wasn't the end
and all the time past
wasn't the last
we ever spoke.

time couldn't cope
with what we were,
and where we are
is all but swallowed up
in the thick
of a better ending
to a new beginning.

so fuck
every second
we're apart.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

can you spare some change?

not bad
if you're
living on
the top.

you're in control.
you're powerful.
you buy and sell humanity
like a cheap date.
it's all up to you
and there's no one to
tell you any different.

the Mercedes gets a flat,
you get someone to fix it.
your property taxes
are due,
you write that shit off.

what you have is yours
and you don't have to share
a goddamn thing.
there's nothing to get in your way.

so what do you do
when you have everything
you could ever want?
     you take more.

once you're powerful enough
there comes a time when you no longer
need to purchase what you want.
you simply take it.
you take it at whatever expense
to others that may occur.
if the infrastructure declines,
if the school systems dive,
if the health and safety
of those enslaved to you
it is of no matter.
you're making more.
you're becoming more powerful.
you can play god with whatever you want.

but when only a few
have everything,
and the many have nothing,
we must ask what disease
fuels the system?

what fuels the system
is a lie.
it's told to every child
and it is spoken in ignorance.
it says that you too
can become wealthy
and live the high life.
you too can own slaves for profit
by promising them the stars,
but never delivering
anything other
than the golden lie.
it will be told over
and over
until somebody finally
tells the truth:
there's is only so much money
to go around,
and if you're not born into it,
you're born to serve it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

made up myth

i had surgery
when i was 12.
they say that i
slipped away for
a few minutes.

all i can remember is
green grass
on rolling hills,
flowers so bright
they took me
by surprise,
a single tree
that branched out
for miles,
and a sapphire sky.
butterflies fluttered,
birds called.
the air smelled
of candy.

i wore the
biggest smile.

and i
still wonder
if i was gazing
into the eyes of

but assuming
the nature
of things,
i'm sure i was.

and i'm left,
so many years
later, with
the impression
that all the claims
of encountering
are wrong.
i saw no
nor providence.
there was nothing
but the moment
of love,
of calm contemplation,
of safety
in those rolling hills.

what you will.
who you will.
but understand
that you
might be
gazing into
the eyes of a reflection
in the doubt
you have built
around an idea
and not in the
you so passionately

Monday, June 8, 2015

when they pass (for Jack)

when a pet
leaves us,
it is one of the most
gut wrenching
emotions we can

it is different from
losing a friend,
a family member,
or an acquaintance.

a small part
of yourself
goes with them.

all the feedings
and the baths
and the cuddles
at night
before you drift off
to sleep.

the play times,
the broad lines
that separate the
moments you're away
and the quality time
you get with the
one living thing
in this world
that gets you
more than you get

with a pet,
you never have to pretend,
they never judge you.
they only want the
spark of soul
within you
that loves and plays
and gives small kisses
when you're in the best
possible company.

they see you for
who you are,
and never for what
you have to pretend to be.
they don't care
about your
marketable skills,
or your credit score,
or how much you
have tucked away
into retirement.
they just want you
for you,
and nothing more.

so when they go,
when they pass
to whatever side of reality
that awaits us all,
there is a small hum
that resonates
through the universe.
it is a small sound
like the weeping
you make when
you find they have
lived their lives
through love
to its very end.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

a simple case of right and wrong

the nature of
is to break
the will.

its very
is to keep you
in place,
under control.

as much as
we can't do
whatever we want,
we shouldn't be
held back
from doing
what is needed.

there are no
to will
unless you are
to be limited.

you can grow to
that break through
the clouds.

you can grasp
as yet to be

you can learn
that which
has yet to be

you can dream
beyond the barriers
where there is nothing
but the empty void of
consciousness to set

as hard as they
may try
to hold you,
there are no chains
to bind you,
no walls
to obstruct your view,
no tables to turn,
no authority
to weigh you down.

when all there is
is mind,
there is no better
than right now
to let yourself go.

so rather than
looking at what it is
that you want to do,
look at what it is you need
to do to
break the will authority
holds over you.