Monday, February 2, 2015

Let us be.

Let us work together
and get the bastards
out of office.

Let us turn off the media
and get our news from
other sources
where we have to investigate,
look a bit deeper
to find the truth
than rely
on what we are told.

Let us agree
that it doesn't matter
whether we are causing
environmental change
and be comforted in
the knowledge
that we are doing
very little
to help it
either way.

Let us make
an easier pill
to swallow
for the next generations
that come.

Let us focus on

Let us give
equal opportunity
to everyone
no mater their
class, or

Let us finally
walk away from
and selfishness.

Let us make it
to exist
rather than
harder to live.

Let us create
universal healthcare
so everyone
can enjoy life.

Let us focus
on being better people
to show our children
what it is like
to be happy
so they don't have to
immerse themselves
in tiny screens
to get away
from reality.

Let us bring back
art and music.

Let us concentrate
on who we are
and where we are going
rather then who we were
and where we have been.

Let us end faith
for faith's sake.

Let us stop
the financial markets
from preying on
the poor
because of their poverty.

Let us do away
with want
and focus on need.

Let us stop
seeing ourselves
as something apart
from the world
we live in
and find a way
to realize
we are one life
driven to live
through all other

Let us be

Let us be

Let us be

Let us be
the beginning
of a new way
of living.

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