Wednesday, November 26, 2014

touch faith

fuck the preachers
and the soothsayers.
fuck those who prey
on the weak,
the gullible,
the fearful masses
with religion
and tithing.

the more you give
to build the next
the easier it will be
for you
to properly repent.

a church is a business,
 plain and simple.
its very construction lends
to the idea of capitalism,
but without all the messy taxes.

the only thing a church
has to do with faith
depends upon the
preacher man's ability
to sell you the need
to part with your money.
cults do the same thing
but with less doctrine.

it's so funny to see
all of the bumper stickers,
like little badges for Jesus,
proclaiming their paid for
place at the pearly gates.
it's even funnier to see
those same people
throwing around judgement,
and superiority
for the Lord.
but the funniest thing
is that it is all based
on their fear of what
when the lights go out.

faith and religion have their place,
and it is totally fine if
it isn't used for greed,
for electing political officials,
for proclaiming your superiority
over everyone else.
but it never stops at personal
proclamations. it continues
to build until
you want everyone else
saved from themselves
in the same way it saved
you from yourself.
some people read more
than just one book,
some read entire libraries
of information
that completely contradict
the very nature
of your professed truth,
some people want more
than just a story;
they want something tangible,
something that will actually
help the world
for the sake of all people,
not just a few who have brainwashed themselves
into believing they are more
than the next guy.

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