Wednesday, September 3, 2014

a certain meditation

the misery loves your suffering
it lays in wait,
concealed in dark corners

one false move and it comes in
for the kill
one wrong move,
and it has you
bent over and gasping-
a single thought in the wrong direction,
and it will release its torment

you may think there's a better way
to live,
but there is only pills
and suffering
and ridicule

... unless you find silence

there is hope in the quiet calm
of unblinking bliss
behind the eyes
where all that is sensory
goes to slumber
and you are left with
stammering thoughts
that travel swiftly
across the inner field
of vision,
not staying too long
to interrupt
the curious mind
embracing the freedom
of silence

and this is your place
away from the lurid eyes
that watch and wait
for you to stumble

the illusion slowly drifts away
and dies
so you don't have to

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