Monday, May 26, 2014

one day, my inner child will win.

don't grow up ...
don't bother with it,
it's totally overrated.

appreciate every moment,
every single second you're given.

don't live for anyone else
but yourself.
love who you love
and nothing more.
enjoy it all,
it's a fairly short ride.

if i could be a kid again
i would tell myself to never
worry. what happens is what happens,
and most of the time there's not
a goddamn thing you can do about it.

when i was young
and broke,
i was happy,
but i thought i was a loser
for not having the good job,
the ideal lifestyle.
but now, as i come
full circle into midlife,
i realize that those were the best
of life.

i did what i wanted
when i wanted to do it.

i only lived for the moment.

every breath was new.

every step
was an inch closer
to my childhood,
to the youth i harbored
like a precious treasure.

so don't grow up,
there's no need for it
as long as you're
living life to its fullest,
as long as you are dreaming
of who you've become,
as long as you're not tied down
by the anchor of adulthood.

leave aging to the elderly
because when you're determined
to be forever young,
you'll never truly die ...
at least not in your heart.

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