every moment is precious,
take advantage of your time.
don't let the seconds pass
without confirming
what someone means to you.
as easily as your life was given,
it can all be taken away.
everything you have,
all those who you love,
the tender memories may be
all that is left.
as much as time is a concept of
human invention, it has merit
as a guide,
and it is only relative
to the memories you inherit.
it is hard to find
what is really important in life,
but once you do,
be careful of letting it go.
no amount of money can
bring back the past.
no amount of prayer
will let you relive
the memories you cherish.
wish as hard as you may,
time still flutters away.
so take a moment to appreciate
who you are right now
because tomorrow fades
just as quickly as yesterday.
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