Sunday, November 24, 2013


is sudden
with the television blaring white noise in the background
and a warmth down deep where I’ve pissed myself
and commotion
the smell of ammonia
the blare of sound
takes away everything else
concentration is not possible
they keep on talking and the noise
is too much
the idea is sickening
it is stained in puke
vomit is everything
sound pollution
but they like the grinding
they like the booming pain
in bloody ears
the gunshot explodes like it’s
right next to me
right up my ass
I wait for the bullet to drop
down through the roof and
kill me
it never happens
there’s silence afterward
I can’t
if I was
someone else
it wouldn’t be this way
and if I die
so does everyone else
so it’s conducive to keep me alive

for now

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