Over the last few weeks, I have been working on a Bizarro novella entitled, "The Dimensional Nipple Hiatus." My day job permitting, I have been able to lay down about 3,000 words per day, editing and refining the story into a cock filled fuck fest. It has been one of the most exciting stories I have ever undertaken. Being excited about writing a story is one of the best feelings a writer can have, or so I've been told...
I'm shooting for the end of April to release the novella, depending on any unforeseen circumstances. I'm not sure as of yet whether I'll just release it on Kindle or go through Createspace as well. Either way, I'm excited to see it published. Hopefully, whoever picks it up will be as happy with it as I am.
I'll update as I feel fit, and thanks for taking the time to read my bullshit.
Fuckingly yours, R